Food product safety analysis and testing

Food product safety testing is a vital line of defence against contamination, taints and toxins. Our specialist analytical support provides accurate and rapid data when it matters most.


Whether you want to strengthen food safety control measures, enable supply chain decisions or find the root cause of unexpected issues, we can help with our food safety tests and analysis.



Identifying contamination

Food product safety can be compromised at any point in the supply chain. Sources of contamination can be traced back to ingredients, processing, packaging, production or storage. And even low levels need to be monitored and minimised. We use our extensive expertise to tailor our testing approach in food and chemistry to give you the answers you need to take decisive action in order to identify both physical and chemical contaminants


Analysing heat generated toxins

Reducing levels of acrylamide during processing remains a major food safety focus. If your product falls within one of the known high-risk categories, knowing when and where these chemicals are being generated is an important step towards minimising the problem.


Using accredited analytical techniques, our specialist team can detect levels of acrylamide at extremely low levels. Armed with this information, we can ensure you work within regulatory benchmarks and advise you on the most effective mitigating measures to put in place.


We understand the scale and scope of this food safety issue, which also extends to furan and methylfuran. That’s why our dedicated laboratory is designed to handle high throughput and rapid analysis of all three food toxins. Making it a cost-effective solution for large programmes involving multiple products or batches.



Heavy metals

Using our state of the art facilities we can test for heavy metals and other key elements within food products and ingredients through our food chemistry analysis and research.



Food safety testing for pathogens

Microbiological testing for potential risks to consumer health and food quality is equally important.  Using next generation sequencing (NGS), we can determine the DNA sequence of a complete bacterial genome in a single run. With this fast and effective tool, we monitor your products for food borne illnesses, spoilage and adulteration. All crucial food safety issues.

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